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Writer's pictureDaniel Wise

Cracking the Code: Understanding Funder Priorities in Grant Writing

Updated: Aug 23, 2023


If you've ever spent hours, days, or even weeks painstakingly crafting a grant proposal, only for it to be rejected, you're not alone. In the world of nonprofits, the competition for funding is fierce. But don't despair! Let's dive into a secret of successful grant writing: understanding and aligning with funder priorities. This post will serve as your guiding light through the often-confusing world of funder priorities.

The Importance of Aligning with Funder Priorities

So, why all the fuss about funder priorities? Well, put yourself in the shoes of a philanthropist or foundation executive for a moment. They're passionate about certain causes and want their resources to make the most significant possible impact. Therefore, they are likely to fund projects that align with their vision.

When your proposal resonates with a funder's priorities, it stands out among a sea of requests. It's like a beacon saying, "Our project can help you achieve your goals!" Understanding this alignment can open doors to funding, partnerships, and long-term relationships that go beyond a single grant.

It's not just about winning that grant; it's about creating a mutually beneficial relationship where everyone is working towards the same goal. Exciting, isn't it? So, let's figure out how to decode these priorities together!

Identifying Funder Priorities

Here comes the detective work! Identifying funder priorities can be like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. But don’t worry, with a bit of patience and the right strategy, the picture will start to form.

First, start with the funder's website. Look at their mission statement and guidelines. What causes do they champion? What language do they use to describe their work? These are your first clues. Next, check out their past grants. Who have they funded before? This can give you insights into the types of projects and organizations they favor.

Lastly, don't underestimate the power of a good old conversation. Reach out to the funder. Yes, pick up the phone or write that email! Many funders appreciate proactive communication and this can give you invaluable insights.

Incorporating Funder Priorities in Your Grant Proposal

Once you’ve got a good sense of what a funder cares about, it’s time to translate that knowledge into your grant proposal. Remember, this isn't about changing your mission to fit a funder's priorities, but rather framing your work in a way that resonates with them.

Show how your project aligns with their mission. If a funder is passionate about education, and your project involves training, highlight that aspect. Use the same language they use. If they talk about “empowerment,” “sustainability,” or “innovation,” find authentic ways to incorporate those concepts into your proposal.

And don’t forget to underscore the common ground between your organization's mission and the funder's goals. Show them that you're partners in the same cause!

Case Study: Successful Alignment with Funder Priorities

Let's look at a hypothetical example. Imagine "Books for All," a nonprofit aiming to improve literacy rates among low-income children. They discover a foundation with a priority focus on "closing the education gap for disadvantaged communities."

In their grant proposal, "Books for All" emphasizes how their project targets children from low-income households, thus directly contributing to closing the education gap. They share data on how improved literacy can elevate educational outcomes for these children. They use terms like "equal access to education" and "overcoming educational disadvantages," mirroring the language used by the foundation. The result? A proposal that resonates with the funder’s priorities and stands a better chance of getting funded. Success!

Mistakes to Avoid When Aligning with Funder Priorities

Now that we've gone through the how-to's, let's talk about some common missteps. Remember, the aim is not to lose your organization's identity or mission in the process of aligning with funder priorities. You don't want to be a chameleon, changing colors to match each potential funder. Authenticity matters!

Avoid overpromising. While it's important to show enthusiasm and commitment, promising results beyond your capacity can harm your credibility. It's better to promise less and deliver more!

Also, don't ignore the fit between your project and the funder's priorities just because the grant amount is substantial. Remember, it's not just about the money, but the mission alignment and long-term partnership potential.


Cracking the code of funder priorities is like unlocking a treasure chest of grant writing success. By understanding what drives funders, aligning your proposals with their mission, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can elevate your grant writing game and secure funding for your vital work.

So, now that you're equipped with these insights, why not put them into action? The next time you sit down to write a grant proposal, remember to consider the funder's priorities and align your proposal accordingly. Let's take the guesswork out of grant writing together!

Got any success stories or lessons learned from aligning your proposals with funder priorities? Share them in the comments below. We’re all in this together, learning from each other as we strive to make the world a better place!

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